Scrambled Eggs & H.R.t
I was yearning for the past
Life was moving way too fast
The bloom and blush of youth now faded
Glass half-empty
Kinda jaded
A little blue
Full of self-pity
To be blunt
I felt real sh…..
No, no, - my inner Crone did say
No self defeat! No not today
No time today
For wallowing
Or stewing in your stewy stew
Let’s up and get
And lose those blues
Let’s up and get
And Carpe Diem
There’s things to do
There’s things to see
Stop navel gazing
Come with me…
‘Yes,’ I said, ‘you’re right. It’s true
Except, I don’t know what to do
Or who I am or what I want
I hardly recognise my self
I’m menopausal
All at sea
Addicted to my HRT
Speak no more, I refuse to listen
To such abject - pessimism
It really is a crushing bore
Self belief and you will soar
But look it’s true
My face has changed
My body too,
There’s wrinkles, lines and all is grey
My tits are sagging to the floor
My waist what was
Is now no more
I want to wish them all away
I’m ageing and I’d rather not
Feeling smaller, full of fear
Scared I might just disappear
Come, come my darling, I. My dear!
I’ll show you how to deal with fear
You’ll dump it in a refuse sack
Leave it for the garbage guy
He’ll pick it up when he comes by.
It’s time to enter the next phase
Fi - nally Free
of the male gaze
Fi - nally Free
from the give give years
There there
Wipe nose
Dab dab tears
No maiden nor no mother more
The nest now empty
Shut the door
Be happy in the home you’ve built
The love you’ve shared without the guilt.
You’ve done so much
And for so many
The face you’ve lined is testimony
Yes, yes be proud
How far you’ve come
Too much to list
How much you’ve done
Who cares what others say or do
Now is the time for
I like this attitude I say
It makes me feel a lot less grey
It makes me feel a lot less blue
There’s still so much I want to do
There’s still so much I want to say
Quick, quick, a pen an inventory
I’ll realise those dreams once had
Visit cities far and wide
Now is not the time to hide
I will not weep
I will not moan
I will embrace my inner Crone…
You see my dear, my Crone was grinning
All ends are just be - ginnings
It’s up to you to keep on going
Trust your instinct
Keep on growing
You have it in you
This is known
Words of wisdom
From my Crone